Min Max Pricing for Dynamics GP
Have you dealt with salespeople underselling your products and want to make sure it doesn’t happen anymore? With Min Max Pricing, you’re in luck!
Our product, Min Max Pricing for Dynamics GP, allows you to define Min and Max prices at both the item level and the customer/item level, ensuring that regardless of who’s entering the sales order, your products are sold within a range of allowed prices.
Have a lot of products you where you want to restrict the values entered by salespeople? There’s a better way, and all it takes is an Excel file! Import them at either the item level or the customer/item level, and watch them update in the blink of an eye.
Need to override the price restrictions? Our password override feature will allow designated staff who have the password to be able to override in a fast and easy way that won’t hamper your sales momentum.
Key Features:
- Defined Min and Max Prices at item level or customer/item level.
- Automation of value restriction based on Excel file import.
- Password override feature for designated staff
Is Min Max Pricing sounding like the product you’ve been dreaming of? We think so.
Check out a general demo below, or contact us for a personalized demo.