Automatic Bank Reconciliation

Get your bank statements imported and categorized automatically.Xero Bank Reconciliation Including credit cards, PayPal and support for over 160 foreign currencies. It’s effortless to keep your accounts accurate and up-to-date.

Bank Reconciliation Software

Automatic bank feeds

Bank feeds automatically import all your bank account, credit card and PayPal transactions so you always have a complete and up-to-date view of your business. Having instant access to real-time financial data lets you control cashflow like never before. “It took me less than 5 minutes to reconcile 5 bank accounts in @Xero. #ZeroSavesMeTime” via @antongerner from Twitter

Smart bank reconciliation

Smart bank reconciliation

Xero will match most of your bank transactions automatically. Just click OK to reconcile. You can also create custom rules to automatically match more complex transactions, like split payments. “Cash coding from @xero is a complete godsend. Thank you.” via @ricburton from Twitter

Real-time exchange rates

Immediately see how foreign currency rates affect your cashflow. Exchange rates for over 160 currencies are automatically updated every hour. More about multi-currency

Fast cash coding

Reconcile large numbers of transactions faster than ever. Import and automatically reconcile pre-coded bank statements – perfect for bringing in data from other systems.